There were three golds.... Either the judges very generous or i dunno.... Tmr's AMK and ACSI... Let's just wait and see...
The percussionist whacked at
7:07 PM
Okay seriously, I think our section blog is dead and wth nobody revived it D: Me, as a Sec 4, is too busy. So you lesser mortals should update! HAHA. Kidding :) I wanted to post the other day except blogger ate my post -.-
Er, haha! Hmmm. I think everyone left band on Friday on high spirits! :D Like YAYYYY. Hahahahaha. MUST BE CONFIDENT YAA =DDD Cannot be nervous that day. Must keep nervousness to bare minimum.
Okay this is what I want my lovely section to do this week:
1. Sleep at 11 everyday. (See I'm reasonable. 11 is a reasonable hour.) 2. Sleep at 9 on 2nd April. 3. Ask teachers for homework extensions due to SYF pressure :) 4. Do homework punctually, still (after all grades matter) 5. Stop facebooking so much (heheh) 6. Get into zen everyday 7. Pray to whatever god/God you have THAT WE WILL GET THAT HONOURS!
Er, this is some performing protocol we still have yet to agree on: 1. Stand with your hands on the back 2. Stand straight 3. With feet apart, but not too wide like taiko drummers. reasonable. 4. Look at Ms C whenever you aren't playing 5. Still look at Ms C when you're playing 6. Do not talk on stage unless it's impt.... You never know if you're loud and annoying :) 7. Do not glare on fellow section mates if they make mistakes 8. Do not shake your head when you play something wrong 9. Do not stick out your tongue if you play something wrong 10. If you play something wrong JUST CONTINUE and don't let that affect you (mind you I think i might have missed my solo before) 11. Just look at Ms C, don't let the audience or judges affect you 12. ZEN ZEN ZEN. This is the time for kois.
Here are some stuff we still have to do before Friday: 1. buy duct tape (i think i buying today) 2. get fishing line 3. get the retarded instrument protocol thingy doneeee DDD= (okay that's my job. but still!!) 4. prac, LOOK AT MS CHONGGGGGGG. and of course get into the beat.. if look only then never think... that's bad.
Hmm... okay. Shall end here. From today onwards, I'll post the SYF results here... Just to keep you guys updated. If you wanna know bout the SYF stuff go to becuase i go there and it's comprehensive. Like they'll give you the result and choice piece. So we can keep udated!!!
(wth did i use gambatte)
(if you want some entertainment, youtube huck the duck)
(or nigahiga)
The percussionist whacked at
11:09 AM
was just looking through my folders and i found these:
cheesy shots! :O hmm, i wonder. hooray composition :)